About The Founder & The Agency

The Founder

Photo of Jacob Bushmaker with his laptop

My name’s Jacob Bushmaker. Not too long ago, I was an engineer working at a Fortune 500 company. The path was there, but I was miserable.

By luck, someone recommended the 4-Hour Workweek, and I was never the same… I was going to learn how to work online.

I tried many things, and my first successes came in blogging and affiliate marketing. But after a few site hacks and a number of algorithm updates, I found myself falling into sales again and again.

Fast forward nearly a decade, and I’ve found my calling: helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses by optimizing their sales systems.

Systemize Your Sales Process; Explode Your Business

Agency Core Values

Our core values guide everything we do, ensuring that our clients receive the highest level of service.


100% integrity. We always do what we say we’re going to do, and we demand the same from our clients.

Field Tested Techniques

What we teach has come from nearly 10 years of experience, thousands of calls and hundreds of deals. We only teach techniques that get results.


Our mission is to help our clients grow their businesses through their sales processes. We’ll help you make your vision come true, which at the same time achieves ours.

Ready to Boost Your Sales?

Take the first step to reach your business goals. Book a call with the founder today.

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